This is a Gin produced by Nikka Whisky, integrating its decades of experience in distilling white spirits and blending whiskies. All of the base distillate comes through the "Coffey Still", a traditional continuous still which produces Nikka's signature grain whiskies, giving this gin a silky texture and rich body. Its aromatic complexity relies on the [...]
Queensborough Omakase Japanese Style gin is a premium hand crafted Japanese Style Gin. Omakase, referring to the Japanese expression for chef's choice, is a reference to our distiller’s selection of Japanese botanicals. Sansho pepper, yuzu lemon, cherry blossoms and Japanese tea add to traditional gin botanicals to create a citrus and floral gin that is [...]
The term ukiyo refers to a state of mind emphasising living in the moment, detached from the difficulties of life. Born in Kagoshima in the shadow of the Sakurajima volcano our Gin is made from a base of traditional Japanese shōchū spirit. When redistilled the high-quality shōchū produces a gentler gin that has a beautifully [...]