Isle of Møn Gin is a very special gin made exclusively with local plants. Traditional gin ingredients such as lemon zest, licorice root and coriander are not found in the Danish nature. By replacing these ingredients with herbs and plants from Møn with similar properties, we have been able to produce an authentic traditional gin. [...]
A good third of the ingredients for this special gin come from the Black Forest and are definitely not what you would call typical gin flavorings! In total, 47 handpicked ingredients, prepared in extremely soft spring water from our own Black Forest source, give MONKEY 47, whose pièce de résistance is the use of local [...]
Dieter Meier is producing organic wines in Mendoza for over ten years. He teamed up with Oliver Matter Distillery, where the Ojo de Agua Gin has been created. It is flavored with lemons from Tucuman, Mate, brandy from Meier's Malbec and a blackberry spirit from the berries of the Ojo de Agua Farm. Awards Distisuisse [...]
This handcrafted Old Tom Gin is based on the 1888 Dry Gin family recipe from Robert Studer. Made in small batches, refined with handpicked blackberries and water from its own source. Enjoy the Studer's Old Tom Gin chilled pure or on the rocks with tonic water. Cheers!
With British blackberries and bay leaf, the Bramble & Bay Edition is a feast for the senses. The childhood joy of finding a thicket bejewelled with blackberries has never left us. As children, we would return home, the evidence of our gorge smeared across or cheeks. Now, with the same delight, we collect the plumpest [...]
A juniper-led, full-strength (42.5%) dry gin with no added sugar, infused with fruits and flowers associated with Ancient Rome - including strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, apples and hibiscus. The infusion is a Yorkshire-made tea that sits in our London Dry gin for over two weeks to ensure it develops a rich red imperial hue and a complex [...]